3 Top Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implant is a procedure to implant artificial tooth roots that are shaped like bolts in the jaw to support the crown of artificial teeth. Dental implants are generally made of a special metal, such as titanium.
Dental implant procedures are performed by a dentist who specializes in oral surgery. This procedure consists of a number of stages. Each stage requires healing time, so the entire dental implant process can take up to several months.
Basically, an implanted denture consists of three parts, namely the dental implant that acts as the root of the tooth, the artificial dental crown , and the abutment (support) which is the link between the implant and the dental crown. With the consolidation of the jawbone and dental implants, dentures become more robust to use.
When you’re missing teeth for any reason – whether due to injury or long-term decay – you want to find a way to replace them. While dentures and bridges are potential solutions, dental implants tend to offer several benefits that other options don’t, including those listed below.
Implants Feel and Act Natural
Implants are placed by fitting a false root made from titanium into your bone. While it can take some time to recover from the operation, once you do, you’ll notice that your implants feel and act similarly to your natural teeth. You’ll be able to chew and talk just as you did before.
They Keep Other Teeth In Place
When you’re missing a tooth, it can cause the adjacent teeth to start moving toward the empty space. This can cause them to be crooked, affecting your chewing abilities and your confidence. Dental implants fill the void, meaning that the adjacent teeth stay in their proper place.
They Help Prevent Bone Loss, Sagging, and Premature Signs of Aging
The jaw bone is made to hold a tooth root. When there is no root for it to support, the jaw bone has no job to do, causing it to deteriorate. In fact, you can lose up to 25% of your bone within the first year of missing a tooth.
Not only does jaw bone loss impact your ability to chew and talk normally, but it can also impact your face. Without the support of the jaw bone, your face can start sagging and collapsing inward. This can cause wrinkles, the lips to look thinner, and the chin to look more pointed.
By adding an implant, the jaw bone can continue its job. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about losing bone mass and looking older than your age.
When you need to replace your teeth, dental implants are typically the best bet. If you’re uncertain if implants are the right move for you, you can set up a consultation with your dentist to discuss it and determine if you’re a good candidate.