Athlete’s foot – Causes and treatment

Introduction to athlete’s foot:
Athlete’s foot is the contagious disease caused by fungal infection on the upper layered skin of the foot. Its scientific name is “tenia pedis”. This disease is purely related to hygiene and wet free environment as that fungal infection stays in moist and warm conditions. It irritates the person a lot because they won’t be able to walk as they pain a lot while doing so, this effects their lifestyle as they cannot fulfill their chores. Fungus that causes this ailment is “trichopyton”. This is most common type of fungal infection seen in every mankind at any time of their life span. It creates burning sensation, with red and itchy sensation on the effected area. This can be spread all over the foot that is in between the to, finger linings, on toes and the outer layer of the skin of sole. This fungus is a harmless one which stays on the human skin when we maintain hygiene, if we don’t maintain hygiene these fungireproducein multiples which creates rashes and other skin ailments.
Causes of athlete’s foot:
The main cause of this ailment is wearing of tight shoes, plastic shoes which does not have air circulation and created a moist of fungus which results in infection. This disease is contagious also from one-to-one contact unknowingly. This is called ringworm of the foot which has anti-fungal cremes.
Athlete’s foot disease can be treated at home initially by frequent washing of the rashes and applying anti -fungal cremes. If the problem still persists then we have to seek more of medical attention like, going to the foot specialist Singapore and having antibiotics that prevent reproduction of fungus and by killing the fungi which is already present on the body.
Coming to home medications, we can treat them naturally at initial stages like by applying betadine solution in water and soaking water the effected foot and after that we can apply anti-fungi crème. This can subside the problem from aggravating and slowly it can be cured.
If this infection is ignored it might cause a lot many other problems, like this infection might spread to nails causing nail infection and it may deeply induce into the skin and create a mess while walking and completing our day -to-day tasks. It may later on lead to bacterial infections if untreated.
Though treatment is given to this athlete’s foot infection it has no guarantee that this issue won’t reoccur, we have to always maintain our hygiene in order to prevent these kind of ailments