Explore the important aspects of fetal development

Individuals who are newly married expect a lot about the pregnancy and they are willing to know about the basic things associated with Fetal development in detail. The gestational age is calculated from the 1st day of the last menstrual cycle of the mother to the current date.
In general, gestation is measured in weeks. The prenatal development process takes place in three main stages. The germinal stage is the first 2 weeks after conception. The embryonic period is from the third week to the eighth week. The fetal period is between the ninth week and birth.
The main attractions of the fetal development
In the fetal period, the fetus starts looking more human. By the end of the 9th week after fertilization, the fetus appears like a human. The fetus measures almost four grams or 1/6 ounce in weight and two inches in length. The main structures of the human have formed in the ninth week.
The overall development in this stage includes the growth and enhancement of existing structures to their complete level. In this stage, the scrotum has appeared along with hair follicles, toenails, and fingernails. You have to know about important aspects of the third lunar month especially the end of the third lunar month. In this stage, the fetus weighs 7 grams or 1/3 ounce and is over 2.5 inches in length.
The face of the fetus is well-developed at 12 weeks gestational age or by the end of the third lunar month. The eyelids are present in the fetus in this stage. However, it is fused. The fetus can move the muscles to squint, open mouth, and purse lips. In this stage, the baby’s feet, legs, fingers, hands, and arms are entirely developed.
The definite signs of the male or female sex are revealed by the external genitalia. These signs appear this week. The baby makes the first kick with the feet in this stage. However, women cannot experience such activities of babies inside their wombs.
Women can experience a good improvement in their uterus which can be felt just above their pubic bone. Caregivers use the doptone to listen to babies. The fetal heartbeat can be successfully hared with this device in this stage.
Important changes in the baby’s development
It is a suitable time to research the fourth lunar month or 16 weeks gestational age. In this stage, the fetus weighs 100 grams or 3 ounces and is 5 inches in length. Now, the most essential body systems are present. The placenta grows quickly for facilitating the growth of the baby.
The overall skin of the baby is getting thicker and less transparent in this fetal development stage. Baby gets eyebrows and eyelashes well in this time. The baby can suck his thumb and swallow amniotic fluid. This fluid can be passed out as urine.
The first bowel movement of the baby starts in this stage. Meconium is starting to collect in the baby’s intestinal tract. The brain of the baby has increased in several cells by the end of the tenth lunar month.