Ginger for Natural Cancer Cure and its Effects to the Body

Cancer is a huge business in our country today. Patients who reject the conventional medical model of its treatment fear that alternative therapies are being outlawed primarily because of a large-scale conspiracy to maintain the status quo. Physicians, scientists, healthcare providers and, above all, pharmaceutical companies are involved.
While there can be no doubt about the moral decay and complete corruption of pharmaceutical companies, on the contrary, it is difficult to believe that the vast majority of people in healthcare would be in a similar situation. Some of them for sure, but would most? Doctors usually have their hands tied. They can either follow a medical consensus or lose their license. And what about the others? Most of them just believe what they’re called – scientific studies have shown… blah, blah, blah. And like many other people, doctors tend to pay more attention to those studies that confirm their expectations than to those that refute them.
Although doctors are much more likely than other people to realize that any scientific study can be easily refuted, they all too often ignore this fact. What is claimed to be true today will often not be true tomorrow. And so they are always ready to quote the results of those studies that confirm their beliefs and, conversely, they are completely blind and deaf to anecdotal evidence. There are things they refuse to acknowledge.
Perhaps we could still imagine a future in which our food would not be poisoned by pesticides, herbicides, petroleum products, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, sodium glutamate, genetically modified crops, corn syrup, refined sugar or its substitutes, or trans-saturated fats.
That is why we should make the most of everything we have today. Organic foods are very important for this. To stay healthy or healthy, our diet should contain 80% fresh, raw organically grown ingredients – and of that vegetables should be more than fruit. We must avoid processed foods and their ingredients. And in addition, we should undergo detoxification courses at least twice a year.
Garlic as Panacea
People have known about the beneficial effects of garlic, especially on the digestive tract, for centuries. In recent years, scientists have discovered its other lesser-known effects on human health. For example, in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Their main cause is usually a blood clot that clogs an artery.
Garlic contains a complex of substances that counteract the platelets from clumping together to form these clots. But also against getting caught on the walls of blood vessels. It is one of the best natural cancer cures. At the same time, it dissolves the proteins that are responsible for the formation of these precipitates.
It also slightly lowers blood pressure. It can dilate blood vessels or loosen their contractions. red blood cells turn certain substances in garlic into hydrogen sulfide. It relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow through the tissues. At the same time, it improves their nutrition. Garlic also contains strong antioxidants. They help keep blood vessels healthier and more flexible. An interesting experiment was done by American scientists. For two years, they gave a group of seventies dietary supplements with garlic extract. And they watched his effect on hardening of the aorta, the main coronary artery. Most people in their seventies had it at the end of the experiment, as it is usually twenty years younger.
To the battle with cancer
The preventive effects of garlic against cancer are remarkable. The US National Cancer Institute lists it at the top of the list of natural remedies and foods with a preventive effect against the disease.
If we look at the statistics, we find that in those areas where people regularly eat garlic, the incidence of rectal and colon cancer is lower. It helps to naturally disinfect the digestive tract and maintain bacterial balance in it.
Therefore, it should be eaten regularly, especially by people who love fatty meat and sausages, who drink a lot of alcohol. All the more so if they smoke, are overweight and just talk about sports instead of running it. Such people are at increased risk of developing colon cancer. Garlic is undoubtedly one of the best cancer fighting foods.
In addition, the flavonoids contained in garlic can bind carcinogenic nitrosamines. These may be present in small amounts in food. It is similar with aflatoxins, fungi that sometimes appear due to poor storage in peanuts and some other delicacies.
Garlic contains about 400 different substances. In addition to vitamins (A, B, C and E) and well-absorbed minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.), there are about a hundred sulfur compounds. Biologists talk about them as natural antibiotics. They work against bacteria and viruses, as well as against a number of fungi.
Indian researchers at Udaipur Medical School studied the effect of garlic juice on patients who underwent a cycle of cancer irradiation at a local hospital. To their pleasant surprise, they noticed significantly smaller negative effects of this treatment.