Know The Details Of Lovemelanotan

Melanotan is a lab-made peptide, that is similar to Melatonin, a hormone found naturally in the human body. It is used as a drug to help treat certain skin conditions like Piebaldism and Vitiligo. It is used as a tanning agent since it is chemically similar to Melatonin, which is a natural tanning agent, that turns the skin darker as a protective response to elongated exposure to the sun. The company that commercially used Melanotan in their products is Lovemelanotan.
It is not completely a sunless tanner, and slight exposure is needed to activate the Melanotan in the body. The Melanotan is usually used in the most effective manner when it is administered as an injection, as using it as an ointment or an external cream might allow overpenetration of harmful chemicals or overdose on the skin, which might contribute to benign or malicious cancerous growth.
Benefits of using the Melanotan from Lovemelanotan
- The exposure to UV rays is much less, as it does not follow the traditional methods and/or rules of tanning by using a tanning bed or a tanning screen.
- Protection from skin damage is total, as only an appropriate dose is injected sub-dermally, meaning the dosage does not heavily affect the skin or the internal organs, as it passes through the bloodstream, and travels only to those areas where it gets activated, here, the skin.
- The tan is longer-lasting than the average tan that occurs from tanning spray or tanning bed.
Steps to use Melanotan
- The product mentioned here is a freeze-dried powder, sterile-sealed, and needs to be remade into an applicable product using water, which has also been sterilized.
- It is an ongoing therapeutic model, so the dosage has to be maintained, increased or decreased according to the specific needs during that specific session.
- The freezing condition has to be maintained to prevent decay.
- Re-constituting the frozen powder using sterile water is necessary to increase the power of the product, as well as to get the correct and proper result.
- It is best to not follow other procedures during the injection period, as it not only interferes with the current treatment procedure, but it has to be understood that these methods are not correct, and might potentially damage the skin as well as several internal organs.
The proper dose to use, according to the Fitzpatrick Chart is:
- Use a recurring procedure for three months.
- 1 vial is equal to 10 mg of the Melanotan product.
- There need to be sterilized syringes at every session.
- Type 1 skin- 30 to 50 mg; Type 2 skin- 20 to 30 mg; Type 3 skin- 10 to 20 mg.