Know the Difference between IUI and IVF

The Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction reports that 10% to 14% of the Indian population is affected by infertility. The inability to conceive a child is almost considered a disgracein our country, rather than as a health issue that needs treatment. However, with the availability of fertility treatments like IVF or IUI in metropolitan cities like Bangalore, awareness of the remedies for infertility has been growing in the country.
However, before you go in for infertility treatment, you should know about the different procedures, such as IVF and IUI, as well as their success rate and cost in cities like Bangalore.
In Vitro Fertilization or IVF
One of the most common infertility treatments, IVF helps with the process of fertilization, embryo formation and implantation. It can also be used to prevent genetic disorders before conception. This is done using the eggs and sperms of the couple or from an anonymous donor. IVF success varies from person to person. While one person might get pregnant at the very first attempt itself, others might require several rounds to succeed.
Intrauterine Insemination or IUI
Also known as artificial, donor or alternative insemination, IUI is a treatment where the sperm is directly injected inside the uterus.Pregnancy takes place when the sperm fertilizes the egg and the egg gets implanted in the uterus successfully. Natural conception requires the sperm to move through the cervix and into the fallopian tubes and then penetrate the egg to fertilize it. In IUI, the travel distance and time of the sperms is saved. Through a process called “sperm washing,” the sperms are washed and concentrated and introduced inside the uterus. The IUI treatment success rate depends on the number of cycles you undergo.
How IVF is Performed
IVF is done through the following steps:
- The first step involves the female partner taking synthetic hormones for several months to induce the production of a larger number of mature eggs.
- The next step is to retrieve the eggs from the follicles by inserting a thin needle connected with a suction device, via the cervix.
- The eggs are then fertilized by being introduced to sperms in a special incubator.
- The embryo slowly develops and after five to six days, a sample is tested to check for genetic diseases.
- The healthy embryos are then transferred back into the uterus, where they implant themselves on the wall in about six to ten days.
- After about two weeks, the female is tested to check for pregnancy.
How is IUI Performed
The IUI process is performed through the following steps:
- Fertility medicines are given to help the female partner ovulate better and the eggs are mature enough to be fertilized.
- On the other hand, semen samplesare collected from the male partner and washed in a certain way to collect only the highly active sperms.
- These sperms are then placed in the uterus through the cervix, which helps the sperms come closer to the eggs.
- After two weeks of the procedure, a pregnancy test is done to check the results.
IVF and IUI cost in Bangalore is affordable and the treatments involve low risks. However, remember that these procedures do not guarantee 100% success.