Size Down Your Breasts With Breast Reduction

For some women, big breasts can cause different health problems. Other women with bigger breasts simply don’t like the way they look, so they are trying to hide them. Big breasts make them feel insecure and unsatisfied with their bodies. That is why more women are considering breast reduction surgery.
What is breast reduction surgery?
This procedure is created to remove your breast tissue and excess skin from your breasts making them smaller and lighter. It is done under a general anesthetic and it can last and it can last from two to five hours, depending on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed and the elasticity of the skin.
Women undergo breasts reduction more often than before
Why women undergo breast reduction surgery?
Besides the new look that they want to achieve, women undergo a breast reduction at Breast & Body Clinic to eliminate many health problems. Those are usually chronic pain, rash, and redness under the breasts, difficulty with sleeping and physical activities, very expressive strap furrows on the skin.
There is no limited age when it comes to this procedure, but it is necessary to perform the surgery when the breasts reach their full size. Also, it is important to plan this surgery after the breast-feeding and pregnancy, as this operation can cause complications during breast-feeding.
Are there any risks?
Like many surgical procedures, some risks can follow breast reduction. That can be bleeding, infection or some reaction to the anesthetic. Other possible problems can be are difference in size, different shape, and symmetry, numbness in breast and nipple, difficulties during breast-feeding, severe scarring. Also, it is common that the tissue is healing to slow.
Breast implants make bigger breasts for some women. Those breasts can also cause some difficulties over time, such as chronic pain in shoulders, neck, and back, the implant can move from its place, or get damaged. If this is the case with you, you should consider to replace the implant relying on the best technique in breast implant revision from Breast & Body Clinic and to be satisfied with your breast again.
Implant revision is usually necessary
How does recovery look?
When the procedure is done, your breasts will be covered with gauze. You will be advised to wear something that will compress your breasts, such as the sports bra. Some women may need small tubes, for drainage. The breast will most probably be swollen and bruised, but that should pass after a week or two. You may feel pain and stronger sensations on the parts where the cuts are.
Also, you may experience the firmness of the breasts and nipples that can last several weeks. If the pain is strong and constant, you should consult with your doctor, and he will most likely give you some pain killers.
Final word
After your recovery period passes, you will notice that you are carrying your breast easier, that the chronic pain is gone, and everyday activities will get easier.