Top 5 Benefits of Circumcision

No one wants their child to deal with the potential side effects of foreskin removal, so it’s essential to perform the procedure under the supervision of an experienced Circumcision Urologist Brooklyn. . It is usually done on newborn babies shortly after birth.
. There are many reasons why one may choose to have their male child undergo circumcisions. Some of these include a decrease in the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases, reduced risk of urinary tract infections and penile cancer, and improved penile hygiene.
We will now look into the top 5 benefits of circumcision.
1. Reduces the risks of urinary tract infections
One of the most common intimate problems that males face is urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections are more common in uncircumcised males than they are in circumcised males. Circumcision is associated with an approximately 10-fold decrease in urinary tract infection risk. The longer the foreskin has been left on, the more likely it is that one will develop a urinary tract infection
2. Decreased chances of penile cancer
Men who are circumcised have a one in 100 chance of developing penile cancer, whereas uncircumcised men have a one in 1000 chance. It is estimated that this will decrease to one in 2000 men if circumcision was widespread.
3. Reduces the risk of contracting STDs
It has been shown time and time again that circumcised males have a much lower chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and genital herpes. A circumcised male will have a decreased risk of contracting syphilis by over 98%, whilst the chance of contracting genital herpes has been reduced by around 61%. Several sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented with circumcisions, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. These diseases are common in uncircumcised males, but nearly unheard of in circumcised males.
4. Lower the risk of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect females. It is caused by a virus called HPV, which can easily be spread via male penetration. Uncircumcised males have an 18 times higher chance of contracting HPV than circumcised males, making it more likely that they will pass it onto their female partner in the future.
5. Makes maintaining genital hygiene easier
If you are circumcised, you will be much more likely to maintain good genital hygiene, simply because maintaining genital hygiene is a lot easier and less time-consuming after circumcision.