Types of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a procedure performed to change a person’s appearance or help restore the ability of body parts to function. The term “plastic” is actually not related to plastic material, but from the Greek “plastikos” which means “to shape”.
Actually, plastic surgery can be in the form of cosmetic (aesthetic) surgery and reconstructive surgery. As the name implies, reconstructive surgery aims to correct defects in body parts. These defects can be formed from birth or due to an accident.
Surgery or reconstructive surgery is performed for medical reasons. There are many diseases treated by reconstructive surgery, including oral cancer and hand injuries.
Meanwhile, cosmetic surgery is performed to improve a person’s physical appearance, from the head to the feet. The types can also vary, such as a facelift or rhytidectomy (removal of wrinkles on the face), breast enlargement, to rhinoplasty or nose-job (to beautify the nose). Although the name is aesthetic surgery, not all of these actions involve “surgery”.
Changing your body to be more satisfied with your physical appearance is something that many people seek during their lifetime. While diet, exercise and medication/topic treatments can have a positive effect, there are some things those solutions can’t fix.
If you are looking to make more drastic changes to your body, plastic surgery may be the right option for you.
Face, Head & Eyes
Changes to your face, head and eyes can be accomplished through specialized facial plastic surgery Raleigh NC. One of the most common reconstructions done is nose reshaping. After having this procedure, you should expect about a 6-week recovery time.
There are also procedures for face and eyelifts, ear reshaping and cleft palate to name a few. Recovery times for some procedures require as short as 1-2 weeks recovery, while others may take several weeks.
The most common body plastic surgeries among women are those that can change the structures of their breasts. Breast augmentation, reconstruction and lifts are all able to reshape and reposition the breasts. While many women will be able to live without restriction after one month of recovery, the procedures typically have a full recovery time of approximately 6-12 weeks.
In addition to the breast, abdominal plastic surgery is another common procedure to change the body structure, such as tummy tucks and liposuction. While liposuction only requires a few days of recovery, tummy tucks may take around 8 weeks.
Tattoo removals, vein removal and scar revision are all types of procedures that are classified as plastic surgery of the skin. In addition, advanced botox and filler injections as well as dermabrasion and chemical peels also fall into this sector of plastic surgery. The recovery time for procedures on the skin varies greatly.
If you are considering plastic surgery, be sure to consult with your surgeon about procedure and recovery times to make the best decision to help meet your body goals