Understand the Differences Between THC and THCa Flowers

Since the consumption of marijuana has become highly popular and prevalent, you should understand its compounds, which will help you determine everything about strains you are consuming. The most talked-about cannabinoids are THCA and THC. Although they seem similar, they differ in effects, especially regarding psychoactive properties.
THCA is non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in fresh and raw marijuana. It exists in plant before you decide to expose it to heat, meaning you will not experience the psychoactive effects after consumption. It is consumer through raw cannabis products such as tinctures and juices.
According to studies, THCA comes with anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective advantages. However, it does not cause mind-altering effects as regular THC, which is beneficial for parents that are worries about their young ones and substance abuse.
On the other hand, you should know that THC is primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis, responsible for mind-altering effects and euphoric experience. THC is formed after THCA undergoes heating process, which is known as decarboxylation. It happens when you bake, vape or smoke cannabis.
As a result, THC will interact with CB1 or CB2 receptors, meaning it will produce effects such as altered perception, relaxation and feelings of euphoria, creativity and relief.
How Does THCA Work?
Before cannabis undergoes process of decarboxylation, you should know that THC exists in acidic form inside the marijuana. After you decide to heat it, you will decarb it, meaning cannabis will not be in raw form. Therefore, the plant will undergo chemical changes and transform into psychoactive substance.
During the natural transition where raw THCa flower starts drying, the acidic aspect will disappear through carbon dioxide release. As a result, THCA becomes neutral cannabinoid or THC.
It means you will end up with an intoxicating compound that can easily get you high. You should know that THC is not neutral, but very potent and capable of impacting your behavior and mood for a short period.
Still, consuming raw cannabis and ingesting THCA comes with various potential health benefits and medical uses that will offer you a peace of mind. The most common ways acidic cannabinoid can be used is for different treatments including anti-tumor, treating sleeplessness, appetite stimulant, anti-inflammation and antispasmodic for people with MS.
You should know that THCA features a few side effects, but it features less side effects than regular THC. In case you are sensitive to active THC, then the question lies whether you should consume the acidic form or not. The most common side effects of THC that may not happen in case you consume acidic form include:
- Fatigue
- Increased heart rate
- Dizziness
- Red Eyes
- Dry mouth
Since THCA is not psychoactive, the chances are high that you may not experience them or you will get milder effects altogether. Positive THC effects such as creativity and euphoria will not result after consuming THCA due to lack of psychoactive effects.
Another important consideration to remember is that THCA will show up positive on a drug test, especially if you consumed it a few days before screening. Remember that when consuming acidic cannabinoid with over-the-counter medication or prescription drugs, you should talk with doctor or pharmacist beforehand.
Although some evidence shows that acidic cannabinoids come with wide array of positive effects and benefits, as mentioned above, others argue that they do not attach to endocannabinoid receptors as other options such as CBD or THC. Therefore, they may not provide the same benefits and health effects altogether.
Acidic cannabinoids are unstable, meaning you can find them in dried weed as well. Still, the combination of THC and THCA may work the best for providing you therapeutic effects. When searching for THCA, you may decide to use marijuana raw or cold-press it with juicer, which will not cause the creation of THC.
One of the most popular ways to consume THCA is through diamonds or pure extract, which is highly prominent nowadays. Vaporizing or dabbing diamonds is the common way to experience the advantages of acidic cannabinoids. If you wish to learn more about cannabis effects, you should check here for more info.
As mentioned above, you can eat raw cannabis with an idea to ingest THCA. For instance, you can juice raw cannabis and mix the plant matter with other ingredients such as banana, almond milk or spinach, which will provide you with superfood effects of cannabis.
Some people like to blend raw cannabis into sauces, salad dressings and culinary staples. Using it in this manner will not get you high. Another option is to use it through topical or transdermal patch. The main idea is to determine whether it features psychoactive substance or not. In case you use THC-based topical cream, you will experience psychoactive effects.
As you can see, the consumption method depends on your preferences and what you wish to achieve. Still, when you decide to heat the raw flowers, you will transform THCA into THC, meaning you will experience mind-altering effects.